You can waste your life drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them.

Author: Arhama Page 1 of 5

I have moved!!

It has been quite some time since I wrote here. Your comments keep coming and they keep bringing me back. This is to tell all you great readers that I have moved!! Visit me at my new home (watch out for the big sloppy kisses by two toddlers on your way in!)

see ya guys there:)

Funny Cheney

Vice President, Dick Cheney may be in treatment for an irregular heartbeat. But he is still one tough guy.

Deadlier moves than those of Chuck Norris, from what I hear.

How’s this for the new iPhone:)))

This really made me laugh.

I know I could use the last feature;)

Poor Billionaires!

Only in Zimbabwe can a person be a billionaire and still live in poverty. A hamburger in an ordinary cafe in Zimbabwe costs over 10 million Zimbabwe dollars!

Zimbabwe faces the world’s highest official inflation of an estimated 25,000 percent.

The Politician’s New Clothes

I had written earlier that I had begun to see nuances of better leadership in Hillary Clinton. What was I thinking?? According to the Drudge report, stressed Clinton staffers circulated a photo over the weekend in order to ‘smear’ Obama’s campaign.

The Clintonistas were probably addressing the people who still think that Obama is Muslim and hoped that this photo will give a glimpse of his ‘Muslimness’.

There is nothing wrong with Obama posing for such a photo. Politicians do that all the time. They are often seen donning the local garbs of the places they visit. George Bush seems quite fond of it himself-

US President George W. Bush (R) chats with Chinese President Hu Jintao (C) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) at the end of the Asian-Pacific leaders meeting in Hanoi, 19 November 2006. All 21 Asia-Pacific leaders wore dresses. But only the three women, pretty in pink, had the sartorial nerve to don the hats. Each year, the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum provides world leaders with an opportunity to strut their stuff in the traditional garb of the host country for the so-called “family photo”. AFP PHOTO / JAPAN POOL / KENICHI MURAKAMI

Hillary Clinton was seen wearing a  traditional Vietnamese hat along with daughter Chelsea on their visit to the country in 2000.

Even though the Clinton camp now seems desperate to try these dirty tactics they are a part of a good day’s work on the political battleground.

What I find absurd is how the media always links Obama to Islam and calls him a Muslim as if it were some sort of name-calling. As if being considered Muslim is a bad thing. As if having a middle name Hussein automatically links one to the infamous ousted Iraqi dictator. So, it is not a big deal if the future President of the United States had drug issues but it is outrageous if he had any kind of Islamic roots.

Islamic Fashion: Modesty Is Always In.

After five days I shall rip off the page from my calendar which says February and welcome the crisp smooth page saying March. Mother Nature has her own ways of showing signs when winter is coming to a close.  The sun graces us more often and the silence of the early morning air is broken with a chirp of a bird. You take a look at the sweaters that kept you warm all winter. The sight of them makes you scorch a little and you know that it is time to start putting them away.

Along with spring comes spring fashion. Looking at the latest catalogs I feel sad that no matter what style is in season modesty never seems to make the list. It is important for me to evaluate each year whether or not my clothes are modest.

For me modesty stands for a preserve of culture and freedom, a freedom from vanity and pretentiousness. It is not hiding or being ashamed of being a woman but respecting and having confidence in one’s femininity.

In Islam modesty is not only restricted to one’s clothes. Modesty is decency in one’s mannerism and attitude towards life. And yes, it is meant for both men and women.

It is difficult to follow rules written in age-old scriptures when it comes to dressing up. Many people choose to follow MTV and their favorite celebrities instead. What I remind myself while dressing is how modesty evokes inspiration for elegance and grace within me. That in turn reflects in what I wear.

The secret to being well dressed is to take time and think about what you wear. I have become more fashion conscious since I have started wearing the hijab.  That is not because I feel I should compensate for the covering of my head. It is because I am very aware of what I wear and make an effort to shop for the right dresses.

By the way, many of you must have seen Jennifer Lopez donning a headscarf. I don’t know how far in the mainstream this hijab trend goes but I personally think JLO never looked better!

The myth is that you cannot mix faith with fashion. I say you can. You just need to be a little more creative than the rest. Someone who dresses modestly is someone who is mature and has immense self-respect for themselves.

A Moment Of Crisis

It took some time to come at this. Initially our hearts went out to the eloquent speaker from Illinois who swept us away with his promise of change.

I admit, I wanted to support the underdog with exceptional oratory skills. His policies made a lot of  sense and he was definitely the most likable candidate in the race.

Hillary wasn’t our first choice. But after reconsideration Clinton seems to be a stronger and better leader.

I watched the Texas debate last night. Not because I wanted to hear what I’ve already heard over and over again about Obama and Hillary’s agenda. I watched it to really watch the candidates themselves. That seemed to be my short moment of crisis when my already inclined support bent more towards Hillary Clinton.

Hillary will make a better head and a better administator . She has more experience and is more practical in her approach towards issues. We all know Obama’s charm and talents because he makes sure we notice them. But that is not enough to be head of government. His win seems more like playing with a wild card.

Hillary is tough and full of conviction. Yesterday she showed she can smile in her moment(s) of crisis.  

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